Software licenses are Not Returnable or exchangeable, Vienna Symphonic Library does not allow returns on software. If you have any questions about software compatibility or versions Please consult with us prior to purchase .
( note : this products requires Vienna or Steinberg elicenser USB key, which is not included, and is purchased separately)
Elicenser key is available at this link: eLicenser Key
Double bass
Christian Eisenberger, Katharina Traunfellner, Rubén Dubrovski, Martin Deuring. These four soloists have invested their life’s blood and hard-won experience (from many years of international concert work) into the Vienna Instruments. Sensitive and clear, exact and homogeneous, their performances are technically perfect and utterly convincing in their musicality. Not only are these fine musicians in command of their instruments but, after several years of working for the Vienna Symphonic Library, they also know exactly what is required of them to create ideal samples. Their performances at the Silent Stage come alive again in this Vienna Instrument.
Solo Strings I is the most comprehensive and sophisticated solo string edition ever created. This Collection contains articulations such as “Zigane”, the leisurely “smeared” portamentos, which are particularly impressive as Interval Performances with the Vienna Instruments audio engine’s algorithms. Additional “harsh” articulations are played with an especially raw, almost brutal attack, and are now available as superbly effective Interval and Repetition Performances. There are also special Performance Trills, repetitions in spiccato and ricochet articulations, sustains with fading vibrato, ponticello, sul tasto, and numerous natural and artificial harmonics.
Articulations - Full Library (Standard + Extended Libraries)
• Interval Performances: legato, portamento, zigane (gipsy), détaché, marcato, spiccato
• Fast Interval Performances: legato, marcato, spiccato, harsh
• Performance Trills
• Interval Performance Glissandos on the same string, fast and medium speed, up and down
• Repetition Performances: legato, bow vibrato, portato (slow, medium, fast), staccato, spiccato, harsh
• Fast Repetitions and ricochet repetitions (accelerando, ritardando)
• Runs: legato, spiccato; major, minor, chromatic, whole tone
• Grace notes: normal, slow, zigane
• Glissandos: medium and fast octave glissandos on the same string
Single notes:
• Short notes: staccato, short détaché, long détaché, 4 variations each
• Long notes: sustains without, with medium, with progressive, with fading vibrato, espressivo; marcato
• Dynamics: various crescendos & diminuendos, with and without vibrato, fp, sfz, sffz, pfp
• Tremolos: sustains, crescendo & diminuendo
• Trills: half tone, whole tone, crescendo & diminuendo, constant speed and accelerando
• Pizzicatos: normal, secco, Bartók pizzicatos
• Col legno
• Sul ponticello: staccato, détaché, sustains, crescendos & diminuendos, sfz, sffz, tremolo, repetitions
• Sul tasto: staccato, détaché, sustains, sforzato, tremolo
• Natural harmonics: sustains, repetitions, glissandos
• Artificial harmonics: staccato, sustains, repetitions, glissandos